Just a quick little post as I could not find anything recent or reliable to read on ordering and customs and such like from Shopbop. Shopbop are an american retailer who deal in lush handbags, designer clothes, pretty watches, etc etc. I have wanted a Rebecca Minkoff Mini M.A.C. for the longest time and finally took a stab in the dark when ordering this company as everything about custom charges was super outdated or mixed or not at all relevant to the U.K since their custom policies have changed. My experience was that I ordered this beautiful bag (which I am mega in love with) and thought to be sensible and pre pay customs. I was pretty pessimistic that £19 or whatever it was I paid, was just not going to cut the mustard. And in a way I was right, I had to pay £4 more... so not really a huge deal like some other forums were chatting about. Also, I'd like to pick up on how quick this came. I ordered my bag on the Wednesday evening (all the way from Michigan) using UPS, it arrived on my porch at 11am on the Friday morning. Now if that hasn't impressed you, I don't know what will as sometimes things can take WEEKS for things to be shipped from other locations.
I hope I have helped you guys make a decision on whether to take the plunge and don't mind answering any lingering questions you may have.
All in all, I feel like they have upped their game with the pre pay, up front charges rather than doing it all behind your back and just seeing money float out of your bank account.
Emma x
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